Marin Hidden Canyon Series
What age group is this bike intended for?
This bike is intended for riders from 5-8yo.
What height range is this bike intended for?
The height range for this model would be between 105-130cm.
What's the wheel size on this bike?
The Hidden Canyon 20 comes with 20" wheels front and rear.
Can I change the wheel size of this bike as the kid grows?
No, changing the wheel size is not an option.
Does this bike come with training wheels?
No, this bike does not come with training wheels.
Can I fit training wheels to this bike?
No, this bike is not compatible with training wheels.
Can this bike be ridden off road?
Yes, the Hidden Canyon 20 is totally capable of off road riding.
Does this bike come with a suspension fork?
No, the Hidden Canyon 20 comes with a lightweight rigid fork.
Is the suspension tuned for light (child) weights?
The Hidden Canyon 20 comes with a lightweight rigid fork.
Does this bike have gears?
Yes, it comes with Shimano Tourney 7sp components.
Does this bike come with a grip or trigger shifter?
The Hidden Canyon 20 comes with a grip shifter.
Does this bike come with a backpedal brake?
No, front and rear kids specific mechanical disc brakes.
Does this bike come in any other colours?
Yes, the Hidden Canyon 20 comes in Teal/Pink or Silver/Blue.
Is this a boy's or a girl's bike?
This bike can be ridden by both, boy or girl.